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Beautiful Sleeping Asian Woman with brainwave encephalogram graphic image, b/w photography   f/low: Ambient Music inspired by the latest findings in neuroscience, auditory physiology and psychoacoustics. Binaural Beats, ASMR and Brown Noise form the basis of a musical melange dedicated to deep relaxation and sleep enhancement.

Ambient Meets Science

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It is almost impossible to escape the intense yet unobtrusive atmosphere of devotional silence that surrounds this music. A typical "acoustic room perfume" in the style of classic ambient music by the likes of Brian Eno, you might think - if there weren't that other, mysterious world to explore beneath it's surface, which is preferably accessible via headphones or earplugs.

German composer and sound wizard Thomas Kessler has spent a lifetime exploring the effects of sound and music on human perception. 

f/low is his latest project – a 32-part composition inspired by the latest findings in neuroscience*, auditory physiology and psychoacoustics.

Binaural Beats, ASMR and Brown Noise are at the heart of this musical blend designed for deep relaxation and sleep enhancement.

f/low has been mixed in Dolby AtmosTM format and then rendered binaurally for a pleasantly natural, three-dimensional listening experience on headphones and earphones. [However, 'normal' listening through conventional speakers is also supported without any restrictions.]

* To ensure a scientific and effective approach to relaxation and sleep support therapies, it is recommended that you consult a qualified physician or sleep specialist. They will make personalised recommendations for your specific needs and help determine the most appropriate type and application of binaural beats, ASMR and noise for your relaxation and sleep goals.

©2024 f-low.org // all rights reserved!

Binaural Beats – 

What they are and how they relate to relaxation and sleep

Neuroscience has identified specific frequency ranges of electro-chemical brain waves [link] that provide information about different mental states. During sleep or deep relaxation, brain waves show different frequencies than when we are awake or mentally active. 

Most of these frequencies are below the audible threshold and therefore cannot be perceived directly by our ears.

With binaural beats, however, they can be generated virtually by the brain.

An example: The brain will combine the isolated, simultaneous playback of a 100 Hertz sinusoidal tone in the left ear and 110 Hertz in the right ear into a 105 Hertz wave. This averaged sound, virtually generated in the brain, oscillates at a pulse width of 10 Hertz (the resulting difference between left 100 and right 110), creating a "phantom sound", the binaural beat.

Our brain is capable of naturally synchronising its internally generated rhythms to the beat of such external auditory stimuli. Depending on the desired state of consciousness, a binaural beat is offered in the appropriate frequency range [alpha/theta/delta]. This brainwave synchronisation is more effective if the perceived frequency of the binaural beats is close to the existing brain frequency and is then gradually lowered, e.g. for a relaxed state.

However, listening to pure sine waves can be unpleasant for sensitive people. Therefore, the specially composed music uses masking patterns that are psychologically effective without negatively affecting the effectiveness of the binaural beats.

Brain Waves // Frequency ranges of different sleep stages

Alpha (8 - 12 Hertz): Relaxation / Falling asleep (N1) 

Theta (4 - 8 Hertz): Stable sleep (N2)

Delta (0.2 - 4 hertz): Deep sleep (N3) 

The entire 90-minute soundtrack is a series of 32 interconnected tracks, representing the length of a normal sleep cycle as it occurs before the first REM (dream) phase: Transition between waking and sleeping (N1), stable sleep (N2), deep sleep (N3), stable sleep (N2).

Individual tracks (approx. three minutes each) can be played in any order, repeated and seamlessly faded in and out. They differ in the frequency of the binaural beats (alpha/theta/delta) and the addition of ASMR sounds and brown noise.


ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. 

It describes the pleasant, soft tingling sensation that radiates from the scalp and is not caused by touch but by visual or acoustic sensory impressions, e.g. familiar environmental sounds such as the babbling of a brook, the gentle sound of the sea or the soothing drip of rain.

All these sounds are living reminders of our ancient connection to nature and the element we come from. The sound of water is considered to be one of the most effective sounds for relaxing the human mind. 


Some of the sound collages are subtly underscored with an emphasised low resting pulse, based on the rhythmic pattern of the human heartbeat.

Brown Noise


Brown noise is used in a variety of psychological applications and has proven its calming effect on people in the context of therapy and relaxation. 

The gentle, even sound can help mask distracting noises and create a focussed and calming atmosphere. This makes it easier to cope with anxiety, stress and insomnia.

Brown Noise is also used in the treatment of tinnitus. By masking the disturbing sounds that make tinnitus so distressing, Brown Noise can provide relief and improve general well-being.

©2024 f-low.org // all rights reserved!

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